Reliable Image Matching Strategies for Mars and Moon Terrain Reconstruction

 Supported by: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Start-up Research Fund Program

Project Timeline: 01/12/2009 - 30/11/ 2011


Difficult texture conditions for image matching:

Sand dunes on Mars from the Opportunity Rover images


Difficult texture conditions for image matching:

Victoria Crater on Mars from the HiRISE obiter image


Difficult texture conditions for image matching: Craters and terrain on the Moon from the Chang'E-1 orbiter image

Project Overview  |  Research Team  |   Publications  |  Related Sites

Project Overview

In the past decade, the prosperous Mars and Moon exploration programs manipulated by the United States and China as well as other countries returned huge amount of ground and orbiter images of the Mars and Moon surface. 3D terrain reconstruction from these images is extremely important for scientific investigation, safe landing, and mission operations on these extraterrestrial bodies. Reliable image matching is an essential and difficult task in terrain reconstruction. Possible problems from geometric distortions, illumination changes, and scale changes will result in matching ambiguity. In particular for Mars and lunar surface imagery, it is more difficult to obtain reliable matching results due to their nature terrain features, such as homogenous textures and similar texture patterns seen in sand dune areas. The up-to-date photogrammetric software systems for image processing are not automatic and require a lot of human interactions due to the limitation of image matching.

In this project, we will develop innovated image matching strategies for reliable terrain reconstruction of Mars and Moon. Project objectives include:

1) Development of an improved self-adaptive image matching method to enhance the matching reliability for difficult cases in Mars and Moon ground/obiter image matching; and

2) Development of a hierarchical image matching strategy to improve the reliability and efficiency for Mars and Moon obiter image matching.

The developed methods and strategies will enable high automation, efficiency, and reliability of the Mars and Moon terrain reconstruction from obiter and ground images. The research project will contribute to the advancement of the science and technology of planetary mapping.

Research Team

Principal Investigator:

    Dr. Bo Wu, Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Research Staff:

    Yunsheng Zhang, Research Assistant


  1. B. Wu, Y. Zhang, and Q. Zhu, 2011. A Triangulation-Based Hierarchical Image Matching Method for Wide-Baseline Images. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 77(7): 1-14.

  2. Q. Zhu, Y. Zhang, B. Wu, and Y. Zhang, 2010. Multiple Close-range Image Matching Based on a Self-adaptive Triangle Constraint. Photogrammetric Record, 25(132): 1-17.

Related Sites

Mars Exploration Rover 2003 (MER) Mission

HiRISE Operations Center, University of Arizona

Mapping and GIS Laboratory, The Ohio State University

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For further information, contact Dr. Bo Wu
Department of Land Surveying & Geo-Informatics
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong