Publications - 2005

Li, Zhilin,  Yan, H., Ai, T. and Chen, J., 2004. Automated Building Generalization Based on Urban Morphology and Gestalt Theory. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 18(5): 513-534. ]

LI, Zhilin, 2005.  A theoretical discussion on the scale issue in geospatial data handling.  Geomatics World, 3(2): 1-5. (in Chinese).

Jiang, B. and LI, Zhilin, 2005.  Geovisualization: Design, Enhanced Visual Tools and Applications.  The Cartographic Journal, 42(1): 3–4.

Khoshelham, K. and Li, Zhilin, 2005.  A robust split-and-merge technique for automated reconstruction of roof planes, Photogrammetric Engineering &Remote Sensing, 71(7): 855-862.

Chen, W., Li, Zhilin, Yu, M and Chen, YQ., 2005. Effects of Sensor Errors on the Performance of Map Matching. The Journal of Navigation, 58: 273 .282.

Yang, X.Y, Gu, L.Y, Cen, M.Y. and Li, Zhilin, 2005. A Method Based Fitting of Moving Quadric Surface with Variable Windows for Detecting Gross Errors in Irregular DEM.  ACTA GEODAETICA ET CARTOGRAPHICA SINICA, 34(2): 148-153. (in Chinese)