Publications - 2012

·         Chen, B.Y., Lam, W., Sumalee, A., and Li Zhilin,  2012.  Reliable shortest path finding in Stochastic Networks with Spatial Correlated link travel times.  International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26(2): 365-386.

·         Li, MZ, Xu Z., Li Zhilin, Zhang H and Ti, P., 2012. A Hierarchical Random Graph Based Selection Method for Road Network Generalization.  Journal of Geo-Information Science, 14(6): 719-727.  DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2012.00719.

·         Li, Zhilin, 2012.  Theories of Map Design in the Digital Era. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 39(2): 71-75.

·         Li Zhilin and Zhou, Q. 2012. Integration of linear- and Areal-hierarchies for continuous multi-scale representation of road networks.  International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 46(5): 855-880.

·         Zhou, Q. and Li Zhilin, 2012.  A comparative study of various strategies to concatenate road segments into strokes for map generalization.  International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 26(4): 691-715.